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Image by Juan Pablo Mascanfroni

When we consciously see the beauty of nature around us, are grateful for what we have instead of paying attention to what our neighbor might have more, it is so much easier to love this world and want to protect it and avoid the more and more trap.

Therefore, mindfulness training can also be a building block for climate protection, which can also make us happier :). Because researchers have shown that - as opposed to more possessions, which trigger short-term feelings of happiness - appreciation of the positive sides of one's life, spending time with loved ones, new uses of one's strengths and practiced optimism increases our happiness not only in the short term but also in the long term increase *. Many of these points can be practiced with mindfulness training - because studies have shown that too: "Practice makes perfect" applies here too :).


Therefore, we want to present a few simple examples that can be easily integrated into everyday life:


  1. Smartphone detox: Choose a specific time of the day when you switch off your smartphone for 1 hour, for example (e.g. before going to bed, which improves sleep significantly, which in turn leads to a more balanced mood the next day). You can use this time particularly well for point 2. Increase the time as you like.

  2. me time: Make a conscious decision to take time for yourself once a day - the length of time can vary greatly depending on the family situation, but the length is not the primary factor. Whether you go jogging alone or consciously spend time with good friends or family - that is up to you. The main thing is that you consciously enjoy it and do what is good for you.

  3. consciously perceive: whether it's on a walk or in normal everyday life - smell, taste, feel, look at and listen to your environment very consciously. Enjoy the moment. Even small moments can help us to replenish empty stores. These can be very different situations - going out into the fresh air and consciously looking at, smelling and hearing nature, consciously tasting and smelling something delicious instead of wolfing it down hectically, consciously spending time with a person you like,... .

  4. gratitude training: try to focus on what is going well in life and be thankful for it. We often cannot change what life does to us - but we have our view of this life in our own hands. Happiness research has also shown that inner attitude is often more important than external circumstances. One can be happy in bad circumstances and unhappy in the best of circumstances. Especially with regard to climate change, the flood of negative information can be depressing. Focusing on that slows us down. If, on the other hand, we concentrate on the steps that we are successfully taking, we have reason to be happy and can achieve an amazing amount together :).

  5. Weekly review:eg do a weekly review once a week. What makes you particularly happy right now? How can you increase these moments in your everyday life? What is bothering you or not going well? Can you think of a solution to make these moments less? A daily review is also an option. Even on bad days, try to find at least one positive point. Even negative points often contain hidden positive side effects if we look closely.

  6. digital detox: Take a digital break for a day/week during the holidays, for example - no television, no internet, ...

  7. declutter: this can also be part of mindfulness training - see alsohere

  8. meditation: it can help to strengthen the ability to feel positive feelings* - meditation and mindfulness apps can also help to integrate them into everyday life.

  9. Volunteer engagement: Feeling meaning in one's own life is an important building block of personal happiness - being there for others and working with others to protect the climate is also good for us at the same time :).

  10. Sustainable Consumption: Theluck atlas2020has shown: "70 percent of Germans have a good feeling about shopping sustainably. In addition, sustainable shoppers are demonstrably happier with their lives."


*Source:GLÃœCK - the world book of happiness - ed. Leo Bormans, dumont-Verlag


Tip for families: the book is a very nice book about mindfulness for children"happy - the book about the happiness of the moment"

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